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About AINOT​

AINOT is a non-profit organization created for the purpose of scientific research and teaching focusing on the subspecialty of Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery. In particular, AINOT provides scholarships to Italian and foreign doctors, who attend the Gruppo Otologico for periods of 6-12 months, with the aim of pursuing higher training in clinical or research areas

Over the years the AINOT has funded many research projects both in basic sciences and clinical areas undertaken both by the members of the Gruppo Otologico and by foreign fellows who have visited the institute. The AINOT also provides necessary financial impetus to the maintenance of the temporal bone dissection lab, the implementation of which has been the result of significant organizational and economic efforts. The AINOT in collaboration with the Gruppo Otologico arranges for otological and skull base surgical dissection courses in the form of accredited CME programmes lasting a week for both beginners and experienced surgeons.

Another activity of the AINOT is to aid in the publication and presentation of the research and clinical work undertaken at the Gruppo Otologico and showcase it to the outside world. The association bears the expenses of the publication of books and articles in scientific journals and for participation in national and international conferences, and preparation of audiovisual material. The association is committed to achieving scientific texts books, such as Atlas of Microsurgery of acoustic neurinoma, Atlas of Temporal Bone Surgery and Cranial Base, Atlas of Otoscopy', Microsurgery of  Middle ear and Mastoid'The Temporal Bone Manual - dissection and surgical approach' and 'The Facial Nerve in Microsurgery of the Skull Base and Temporal Bone'. Although the association derives a portion of the funds from the inscriptions to the theoretical and practical training courses, organized by the Gruppo Otologico and sale of audiovisual material, the costs involved are high. Donations from patients are valuable for the continuity and success of the research which also reflects the scientific temper of medicine in our country apart from being a huge benefit for patients.

If you are interested to offer your contribution, the amount of which is at your discretion, you can contact our secretary: you will be given a proper receipt.


The Secretary,

Gruppo Otologico,
Via Emmanueli 42,
Piacenza 29100
Tel. (+39) 0523.754362

Fax. (+39) 0523.453708


AINOT (Associazione Italiana Neurotologica)

​​​World standard treatment and care at the


© Gruppo Otologico, All rights reserved by AINOT

Web concept & design - Dr. Sampath Chandra Prasad






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Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                    9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday                       Closed

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