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The state of the art temporal bone dissection laboratory in Gruppo Otologico


The temporal bone dissection laboratory named after Dr. William House, who was the teacher of Prof. Mario Sanna, is a state-of-the-art facility set up in the premises of the Gruppo Otologico. It has a 11 individual units, each containing a Carl Zeiss microscope with observer eyepiece, Bein Air microdrill, centralized irrigation suction, temporal bone holders and an instrument set with which dissectors can practise microear and lateral skull base surgeries. There is a temporal bone bank with over 100 bones and half heads. There is refrigeration and storage facility for all the specimens. This apart, there are closets, washingareas, shelves and dissecting gowns, caps & masks readily available. The room is well illuminated, ventilated and is equipped with three 30 inch flat screen TVs which enable monitoring of dissections by the tutors and also for displaying teaching videos of surgery and dissection.


The House Dissection Laboratory has been the house of learning for all the present consultants at the Gruppo Otologico apart from Prof. Mario Sanna himself. This apart, the lab has tutored more than 500 trainees and fellows from all corners of the world in microsurgery of the middle ear and skull base over 60 courses organized over the last 20 years.


Doctors who have earlier participated in a course of dissection organized by the Gruppo Otologico, can access the lab with his or her own set of temporal bones and dissecting equipments, or in case of inavailability, may have the our sets by paying E 50 per day or E 200 for five days. For doctors who have not earlier participated in courses of dissection, shall pay E100 per day or E 400 for five days.

The William House anatomical dissection laboratory

Take a tour of the dissection lab
Sample dissections

​​​World standard treatment and care at the


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Web concept & design - Dr. Sampath Chandra Prasad






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Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                    9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday                       Closed

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