
Scientific articles published by the Gruppo Otologico
375 articles have been published by the members of Gruppo Otologico till date. The scientific articles published by the members of the Gruppo Otologico have always featured in the most prestigious journals with the highest impact factor. This includes invited articles & reviews, original series, research papers, case reports and commentaries. Here is the list of the articles published
1) I materiali di intercapedine nella timpanoplastica per via combinata. Atti LXI Congr. Soc. It. d'O.R.L. e Pat. Cerv.-Fac., Perugia, 26-28 Sett. 1974. Ed. Pacini Marlotti p. 299, 1976.
2) Il colesteatoma congenito. Problemi diagnostici e terapeutici. (in co1l. con O. Bazzana, S. Bacciu) Ann. Laring. Otol. Rinol. Faring. 73, 505, 1974.
3) La timpanotomia posteriore nel trattamento chirurgico delle otomastoiditi croniche. (in coll. con C. Zini) Atti del XX conventus O.R.L. Societas Latina, 23-26 Mag. 1974, Roma. Ed Tipo ERRE - Grugliasco (TO) p. 311.
4) Angular velocity of the slow phase in experimental and clinical lesions of the vestibular apparatus (in coll. con B. Latkowski, C. Zini, L. Oppia, L. Fois)
Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryng. Belg. 29, 822, 1975.
5) Regularnosc przbiegu szykosci catowej wolnej fazy oczoplasu w doswiadczalino¬Minicznych uszkodzeniach narzadu przedsionkowego. (in coll. con B. Latkowski, C. Zini, L. Oppia, L. Fois) Otolaring. Polska, 29, 321, 1975.
6) La ricostruzione della membrana timpanica mediante eterotrapianti. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu) Atti I Congr. Soc. di Ricerche in Chir., II Policlinico, 83, 653, 1975
7) Hétérogreffes tympaniques en tympanoplastie fermée, technique et résultats. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu) C.R. LXXIII Congr.. Franç. d'O.R.L Arnette Ed. Paris, Oct. 1976, p. 249.
8) Chirurgie fonctionelle des tumeurs glomiques tympano-jugulaires. (in coll. con G. Jemmi, C. Zini) C.R. LXXIII Congr. Franç d'O.R.L. Arnette Ed. Paris, Oct. 1976, p. 263.
9) La scelta della tecnica nel trattamento chirurgico del colesteatoma nell' infanzia (in coll. con G. Jemmi, S. Bacciu)
Ann. Laring. Otol. Rinol. Faring. 75, 157, 1976.
10) Appendici branchiali cartilaginee della base del collo.
(in co1l. con F. Piragine, L. Gariboldi)
Studi Sassaresi, 54, fasc. 34, 1976.
11) La timpanoplastica chiusa per via combinata (CAT) nei bambini
(in coll. con C. Zini)
Atti 62° Congr. Soc. It. O.R.L e Pat. Cerv.-Fac., Capri, 28 Sett. -1 Ott. 1975.
Ed Pacini, Pisa 1977.
12) Giugularografia discendente transigmoidea: tecnica e indicazioni
(in coll. con C. Zini, P. Bassi, G. Bruschi, G. Jemmi)
Atti 62° Congr. Soc. It. O.R.L. e Pat Cerv. -Fac., Capri, 28 Sett. -1 Ott. 1975.
Ed Pacini, Pisa 1977.
13) L'evoluzione del neotimpano eterogeneo valutata mediante timpanometria.
(in coll. con S. Bacciu, F. Beoni)
Ann. Laring. Otol. Rinol. Faring., 76,107,1978.
14) Risultati audiometrici relativi a 126 casi di eterotrapianto timpanico modellato. (in coll con S. Bacciu e F. Beoni) Ann. Laring. Rinol. Faring., 76, 99, 1978.
15) La meatografia opaca nella diagnosi del neurinoma dell'acustico. (in coll. con C. Zini, G. Bruschi, G. Jemmi, G. Ertolino) Ann. Laring. Otol. Rinol. Faring., 76, 9, 1978.
16) Trattamento chirurgico delle paralisi intratemporali traumatiche del facciale.
(in coll. con C. Zini, G. Jemmi)
Atti XXII Conventus Societas O.R.L. Latina, 3-6 Mag. 1978, Montpellier, p. 67.
17) Une méthode alternative aux homogreffes: hétérogreffes tympaniques moulées. (in coll. con G. Zini, S. Bacciu) C.R. LXXV Congr. d'O.R.L. Arnette Ed., Paris, Sept. 1978, p. 451.
18) Cholestéatoma congénital de l'oreille moyenne. Discussion pathogenique.
(in coll. con E. Pasetti, P. Delogu)
C.R. LXXV Congr. Franç d'O.R.L. Arnette Ed, Paris, Sept. 1978, p. 237.
19) Le tappe diagnostiche radiologiche del paraganglioma timpano-giugulare.
(in coll. con P. Bassi, G. Bruschi, G. Bertolino, G. Jemmi)
La Radiologia Medica, 64, 936, 1978.
20) Eterotrapianti timpanici (con Film super8).
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu)
Atti 64° Congr. Naz. Soc. It. O.R.L., S. Margherita Lig., 1977.
21) Neurinoma intratemporale del facciale: exeresi e trapianto sostitutivo (con Film super8).
(in coll. con E. Pasetti, C. Zini)
Atti 64° Congr. Naz. Soc. It. O.R.L. S. Margherita Lig., 1977.
22) Neurectomia vestibolare per via trans-labirintica posteriore (trans-mastoidea) (con Film super8).
(in coll. con C. Zini) Atti 64° Congr. Naz. Soc. It. O.R.L., S. Margherita Lig., 1977.
23) Neurectomia vestibolare attraverso la fossa cranica media (con Film super8).
(in coll. con C. Zini)Atti 64° Congr. Naz. Soc. It. O.R.L, S, Margherita Lig., 1977.
24) Cinq années d'experience des hétérogreffes tympaniques moulées.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, G. Jemmi)
C.R. LXXVI Congr. Franç. d'O.R.L. Arnette Ed, Paris, Sept. 1979.
25) La ricostruzione dell'apparato timpano-ossiculare nei bambini. (in coll. con C. Zini) Relazione Ufficiale V Congr. O.R.L. Ped, Catania, 6-7 Dic. 1980.
Ed Pozzi, Roma, p. 317.
26) Ossiculari chain reconstruction with plastipore T.M. prosthesis
(in coll con M. Magnani, R Gamoletti)
Am. J. Otol, 2, n. 3, 1981.
27) Risultati audiometrici ed impedenzometrici negli eterotrapianti timpanici. (in coll. con S. Bacciu, P. Delogu, R. Scandellari)
Ann. Laryng. Otol. Rinol. Faringol, 79, fasc. 3, 1980.
28) Degenerative damages in the distal stump of the servered human facial nerve.
(in coll con J. Ylikoski, W.E. Hitselberger, W.F. House)
Acta Otolaryngol. 92, 239-248, 1981
29) Congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear. (in coll con C. Zini)
Proceedings IInd international Conference on: "Cholesteatoma and mastoid surgery ". Tel Aviv, Israel 22-27 march 1981, pp. 29-36.
Kugler pubblications, Amsterdam 1982.
30) La ricostruzione della catena ossiculare con protesi artificiali in polietilene poroso.
(in coll. con M. Magnani, R. Gamoletti, C.Zini) Boll. Ital. Audiol. Fon. 4, 101-107, 1981.
31) La calibratura del condotto uditivo esterno nelle timpanoplastiche chiuse. (in coll. con P. Delogu, R. Scandellari, C. Zini)
Acta otorhinol. Ital. 1, 145-153, 1981.
32) Il secondo tempo funzionale delle timpanoplastiche chiuse.
(in coll. con M. Magnani, A. Taibah)
Boll. Ital. Audiol. Fon. 4, 223-226, 1981.
33) Dizziness after head trauma: Clinical and morphological findings.
(in coll. con J. Ylikoski, T. Palva)
Am. J. Otol. 3, 343, 352, 1982.
34) Enhanced biofunctionality of plastipore ossicular prosthese with the use of hologous cartilage.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Magnani, S. Bacciu, C. Zini) Am. J. Otol. 4, 138-141, 1982.
35) Regenerated middle ear mucosa after tympanoplasty.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, C. Zini, A. Belloni) O.R.L. 44, 310-317, 1982.
36) Diagnosi radiologica del neurinoma dell'acustico intracanalare: la cisternografia opaca è ancora giustificata?
(in coll. con P. Bassi, C. Zini, G. Jemmi) Atti 69° Congr. Soc. Ital. O.R.L., Roma 19-23 Maggio 1982.
37) Pathology as relates to ear surgery. I-Surgery of glomus tumors.
(in coll. con A. Belal)
J. Laryng. Otol. 96, 1079-1097, 1982.
38) Problemi condizionanti la scelta della tecnica nella chirurgia del colesteatoma: stenosi tubarica, fistola labirintica, colesteatoma ricorrente.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, P. Delogu, G. Jemmi, R. Scandellari) Attualità in Otorinolaringoiatria 1983.
Ed Scientifiche Valeas, 1983.
39) Vestibular neurectomy for dizziness after head trauma. A review of 28 patients.
(in co1l. con J. Ylikoski)
O.R.L. 45, 216-225, 1983.
40) La Microchirurgie du cholesteatome. La Tympanoplastie fermée en deux temps avec hétérogreffe. Indications et resultats.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Scandellara, P. Delogu) Comp. Rendus des Seances 79° Congr. Franç. O.R.L., 184-2021, 1983.
41) Microchirurgie du cholesteatome. Le probleme de la fistule labyrinthique.
(in co1l. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Scandellati, P. Delogu)
Compte Rendus de Seance, 79° Congr. Franç.. O.R.L, 203-217, 1982.
42) Management of the labyrinthine fistulas in cholesteatoma surgery. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Scandellari, P. Delogu, G. Jemmi) O.R.L 46,165-172,1984.
43) Rapporti tra istopatologia e chirurgia dei tumori glomici.
(in coll. con A. Belal, F. Meloni, R. Gamoletti)
Studi Sassaresi 60, 137-146, 1982.
44) Il trattamento della fistola labirintica nella chirurgia del colesteatoma.
(in coIl. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Delogu, F. Meloni)
Studi Sassaresi 60, 131-135, 1982.
45) Microchirurgia del colesteatoma dell'orecchio medio.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, P. Delogu, G. Jemmi, M. Magnani, M. Sanna,
R. Scandellari)
Ed Sc. C.R.S..,185-205, 1984.
46) Plastipore Ossicular Protheses. A Histologic Evaluation.
(in col46) Plastipore Ossicular Protheses. A Histologic Evaluation.
(in co1l. con R. Gamoletti, A. Belloni, C. Zini)
O.R.L. 46, 69-73, 1984.
47) Microcchirurgia del neurinoma dell'acustico.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni)
Ed Sc. C.R.S. 1984.
48) Plastipore TM prostheses for ossicular chain reconstruction in tympanoplasty. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Magnani, C. Zini)
Proc. Ist Int. Symp. "Biomaterials in otology" April 21-23, 1983, Leiden.
Martinius Nijkoff Publ., 187-198, 1984.
49) The istologic appearance of plastipore TM ossicular prostheses
(in co1l. con R. Gamoletti, A. Bellone, C. Zini)
Proc. lst Int. Symp. "Biomaterials in otology".
April 21-23, 1983, Leiden. Martinius Nijkoff Publ., 199-202,1984.
50) Failures with Plasti-Pore ossicular replacement prostheses. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Magnani, S. Bacciu, C. Zini) Otolaryngol. Head and Neck Surg. 92, 339-341, 1984.
51) Residual and recurrent cholesteatoma in closed tympanoplasty.
(in coll. con C. Zini, R. Scandellari, G. Jemmi)
Am. J. Otol. 5, 277-282,1984.
52) Molded tympanic heterografts. A histologic evaluation. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, P. Lazzarini, C. Zini, S. Bacciu) Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 93, 132-135,1984.
53) "Congenital Cholesteatoma” of the middle ear. A report of 11 cases
(in coll. con C. Zini)
Am. J. Otol. 5, 368-373, 1984.
54) Histology of extrunded Plasti-Pore ossicular orostheses.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, A. Belloni, C. Zini, R. Scandellari) Otolaryngol. Head and Neck Surg. 92, 342-343, 1984.
55) Pathology as it relates to ear surgery. V. Ossiculoplasty.
(in coll. con A. Belal, R. Gamoletti)
J. Laryng. Otol. 98, 229-240, 1984.
56) High resolution 02 computed meatocisternography in the differential diagnosis of the internal auditory canal pathology.
(in coll. con P. Bassi, C. Zini, F.Cusmano) Neuroradiology 27, 23-51, 1985.
57) Microsurgery of cholesteatoma of the middle ear.
(in coll. con C. Zini, J. Sheey)
Libreria Scien. già Ghedini, 1983.
58) La microchirurgia ricostruttiva dell'orecchio medio con eterotrapianti.
(in coll. con C. Zini, C. Jansen, A. Sultan)
Ed. Scient. Oppici, Parma 1984.
59) Technika oto-neuro-microchirurgiczna operowania quzow nerwu VIII droga przeplendikowa.
(in coll. con P. Latkowski, C. Zini, K. Buczylko, T. Durkol) Biuletvn wam 23, 33-40, 1984.
60) Il trattamento della cavità mastoidea nelle timpanoplastiche chiuse. (in coll. con G. Jemmi, S. Bacciu, G. Bortesi, M. Magnani, C. Zini) Acta Otolaringol. Ital. 4, 131-161, 1984.
61) The surgical treatment of brain herniation into the middle ear and mastoid.
(in coll. con L. Fenestra, R. Gamoletti, C. Zini, P. Delogu)
Am. J. Otol. 6, 311-315, 1985
62) Autologus fitted incus versus Plastipore PORP in ossicular chain reconstruction.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, R. Scandellari, P. Delogu, M. Magnani, C. Zini)
J. Laryng. Otol. 99, 137-141, 1985.
63) Posterior canal wall atrophy after intact canal wall tympanoplasty.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, G. Bortesi, C. Zini)
Am. J. Otol. 7, 74-75, 1985.
64) Molded tympanic heterograft. An eight ear experience. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, P. Delogu, R. Scandellari, R. Gamoletti) Am. J. Otol. 6, 253-256, 1985.
65) Management of labyrinthine fistulae. Medical Media International 86, 92, 1984.
66) Xenogeneic material for tympanic membrane reconstruction.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Gamoletti)
Medical Media Internationa1108-113,1984.
67) Transmastoid extralabyrinthine approach in traumatic facial paIsy.
(in coll. con C. Zini, G. Jemmi, A. Gandolfi)
Am. J. Otol. 6, 216-221, 1985 .
68) Stato attuale della chirurgia. In "Tavola rotonda - Revisione critica della Malattia di Meniere ".
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Gandolfi)
Acta Otorhinolaryng. Ital. 5, 323-327, 1985.
69) Molded tympanic heterografts. Biological and clinical implications.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, C. Zini)
Proc. Ist Int Ac. Conf. in Immunology and Immunopathology as applied to otology and Rhinology.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, Apri1 11-12, 1984, pp. 197-203.
70) Il Cefotiam, nuova cefalosporina per uso parenterale, nella terapia di infezioni microbiche otorinolaringoiatriche.
(in coll. con G. Coppo, M. Magri, S Marasciuolo, P.E. Montiglio, R. Scandellari, E. Vensi)
Otorinolaringologia 35, 1-6, 1985.
71) Hypoglosso-facial anastomosis in the rehabilitation of irreversible facial nerve palsies.
(in coll con C. Zini, A. Gandolfi)
Proc. of the V Int. Symp. on the Facial Nerve.
Bordeaux, Sept 3-6, 519-522, 1984.
72) Decompression of the facial nerve by the transmastoid extra-labyrinthine approach (T.M.E.L).
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Gandolfi) Proc. V Int. Symp. on the Facial Nerve.
Bordeaux, Sept 3-6, 489-495, 1984.
73) Regenerated middle ear mucosa after tympanoplasty. Part I. Transmission electron microscopy.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, P. Poggi, C. Zini)
Otolaryng. Head and Neck Surgery 94, 339-343, 1986.
74) Regenerated middle ear mucosa after tympanoplasty. Part II. Scanning electron microscopy.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, P. Lanzarini, C. Zini) Otolaryng. Head and Neck Surgery 94, 430-434, 1986.
75) II punto di vista dell'otoneurochirurgo.
In "Diagnosi, clinica e terapia delle lesioni dell'A.P.C.”
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, C. Zini)
Giardini Naxos, 19 aprile 1986. Atti VI Giornata di Nistagmografia Clinica, 113-121.
76) Le vie transtemporali otoneurochirurgiche nel trattamento dei tumori del
C.U.I. e dell'A.P.C.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi, E. Pasanisi) Atti X Congr. Naz. S .I. C O., Palermo, 24-27 Settembre, pp. 577-588, Monduzzi Ed.
77) Experience du groupe "Impianti Cocleari Italia (ICI)”.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, C. Zini)
Revue Laryng. 107,197~199, 1986 .
78) L'heterogreffe tympanique, (in coll. con C. Zini, P. Delogu, R. Scandellari, A. Taibah, A. Russo) Revue Laryng. 107, 228-231, 1986.
79) Neurectomie vestibulaire par voie retrolabyrinthique. (in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi) Revue Laryng. 107, 237-238,1986.
80) Neurectomie vestibulaire par la voie de la fosse cerebrale moyenne. (in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi, R. Pareschi)
Revue Laryng. 107, 238-239, 1986.
81) Chirurgie du neurinome de l'acoustique. Experience du groupe Italien d'Otoneurochirurgie.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, C. Zini, A. Gandolfi, R. Pareschi, E.Pasanisi) Revue Laryng. 107, 250-251, 1986.
82) La chirurgie du neurinome. Problemes post-operatoires. (in coll. con A. Gandolfi, A. Mazzoni, E. Pasanisi, R. Pareschi) Revue Laryng. 107, 251-254, 1986.
83) Table Ronde "La chirurgie fonctionelle du vertige".
Introduction. Revue Laryng. 107, 234-235, 1986.
84) Gli impianti cocleari.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu)
Aggiornamento medico 11, 2, 132-135, 1987.
85) La via retrolabirintica nella neurectomia vestibolare selettiva: una valida alternativa all'approccio della fossa cranica media?
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Gandolfi)
VII Giornata di Nistagmografia Clinica, Chianciano, 10 apr., 71-75,1987.
86) The problem of the facial nerve in acoustic neuroma surgery.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Gandolfi, A. Mazzoni, E. Pasanisi)
Adv. Oto-Rhino-Laryng. 37, 147-152, 1987.
87) Surgical treatment of cholesteatoma in children. (in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, P. Delogu, A. Russo, R. Scandellari,
A. Taibah)
Adv. Oto-Rhino Laryngol. 37, 110-116, 1987.
88) Prevention of recurrent cholesteatoma in closed tympanoplasty. (in coll. con C. Zini, P. Delogu, A. Russo, R. Gamoletti, R. Scandellari,
A. Taibah)
Ann. Otol. Rinol. Laryngol. 96, 273-275, 1987.
89) La strategie diagnostique du neurinome de l'acoustique. (in coll. con A. Taibah, E. Pasanisi)
Revue Laryng. 107, 246-248, 1986.
90) Histoire de l'implant cochleaire.
(in coll. con A. Taibah, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi)
Revue Laryngol. 107,182-184, 1986.
91) Myryngoplastyki wykonywane technika "Rozety ".
(in coll. con B. Latkowski, C. Zini)
Otolaryng. Pol. 1984, XXXIII, 5.
92) Leczenie elektrostymulacja szumow o etiologii zwiazanej z toksycznym uszkodzeniem sluchu.
(in coll. con C. Zini, B. Latkowski et altri). Otolaryng. Pol, pp. 237-240.
93) Behandlung der labyrinthfistel bei der chirurgie des cholesteatoms. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu)
Ext. O.R.L. weltweit auserlesen, pp. 285-289, 1985.
94) Wlasne doswiadczenia w leczeniu mikrochirurgicznym perlakow ucha srodkowego.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, G. Bortesi, P. Delogu, R. Scandellari, M. Magnani, R. Gamoletti, G. Jemmi)
Otolaryng. Pol. 1985, XXXIX, 2.
95) La chirurgia timpanoplastica nel colesteatoma: aspetti tecnici particolari.
(in coll. con C. Zini, P. Delogu, R. Scandellari, A. Taibah)
Da "Incontri di aggiornamento O.R.L., tecniche di chirurgia ricostruttiva dell'orecchio medio”.
Ed Nistri-Lischi, Pisa, pp. 83-98, 1987.
96) The surgical management of childhood cholesteatoma. (in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, P. Delogu, A. Russo, R. Scandellari, A. Taibah) Jour. Laryng. Otol. 101, 1221-1226, 1987.
97) Storia dell'impianto cocleare. (in coll. con A. Taibah, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi) Quad. di Audiologia 1, 9-13, 1987.
98) Aspetti e problematiche nella chirurgia della ghiandola parotide: esperienza su 70 casi.
(in coll. con A. Cerri, R. Turchi) Acta bio-medica da "L'Ateneo Parmense” 58,189-196, 1987.
99) Hearing preservation in acoustic neuroma surgery: middle fossa versus sub occipital approach.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi, R. Pareschi, E. Pasanisi, R. Gamoletti) Am. J. Otol. 8, 500-506, 1987.
100) Hearing preservation in acoustic neuroma surgery: middle fossa vs. sub occipital approach.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi, R. Pareschi, R. Pasanisi, R. Gamoletti) Clinical Audiology 87.
101) Closed versus open technique in the management of labyrinthine fistulae.
(in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, A. Taibah, A. Russo)
Am. J. Otol. 9, 470-475,1988.
102) Torps and poros: a long term follow-up study. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Magnani, G. Bortesi, A. Russo)
Transplants and implants in otology, 1988.
Proceeding of the International Symposium 6-9 Apri1 1987. Venice, Italy, Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, pp. 287-290, 1988.
103) Failures in stapes surgery: role of the prosthesis. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, A. Russo, A. Taibah, M. Magnani) Transplants and implants in otology, 1988.
Proceeding of the International Symposium, 6-9 April 1987. Venice, Italy. Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, 291-297, 1988.
104) Biologic and histologic aspects of the molded tympanic xenograft. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, C. Zini, S. Bacciu)
Transplants and implants in otology, 1988. Proceeding of the International Symposium, 6-9 April 1987. Venice, Italy. Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, 45-48, 1988.
105) La stapedotomia: note di tecnica. (in coll. con A. Russo, R. Scandellari, G. Jemmi, F. Piazza) Videotology n. 0, 19-23, 1988.
106) Surgery for congenital and acquired cholesteatoma in children. (in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, A. Russo, R. Scandellari, A. Taibah) Adv. O.R.L. 40, 124-130, 1988.
107) Retrolabyrinthine versus middle fossa vestibular neurectomy. (in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi, E. Pasanisi) Am. J. Otol. 9, 448-450,1988.
108) Il parmatymp: bioprotesi per la ricostruzione della membrana timpanica. 1) Modalità di preparazione e di impiego. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, M. Magnani, R. Scandellari) Videotology n. 1, 21-27, 1988.
109) Acquired, congenital and jatrogenic cholesteatoma of the temporal bone.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Manzoni,. E. Pasanisi)
Atti International Conference on: Controversies in Otology and Otoneurosurgery, 31 agosto 6 settembre 1986, Alghero.
110) Management of facial nerve in acoustic tumors surgery. (in coll. con A. Gandolfi, A. Mazzoni, C. Zini, E. Pasanisi) Atti International Conference on: Controversies in Otology and Otoneurosurgery, 31 agosto 6 settembre 1986, Alghero.
111) Closed vs. open technique in management of Labyrinthine fistulae. (in coll. con A. Taibah, A. Russo, C. Zini)
Atti International Conference on: Controversies in Otology and Otoneurosurgery, 31 agosto 6 settembre 1986, Alghero.
112) Is it possible to prevent recurrent cholesteatoma in closed tympanoplasty?
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu)
Atti International Conference on: Controversies in Otology and Otoneurosurgery, 31 agosto 6 settembre 1986, Alghero.
113) Il trattamento chirurgico del colesteatoma nell'infanzia. Dal "X Congresso Nazionale - Roma 20-22 ottobre 1988” (in coll. con W. Livi, R. Piane, A. Russo, A. Taibah) Estratto da: Progressi in otolaringologia pediatrica 1988. CIC Ed. Internazionale, 225-227, 1988.
114) Surgery for cholesteatoma in children.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Gamoletti, A. Russo, R. Scandellari, A. Taibah, G. Jemmi)
Proceedings Third Internat. Conf. on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery.
Ed by M. Tos et altri.
Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, 685-688, 1988.
115) Closed vs. open technique in the management of labyrinthine fistulae. (in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Gamoletti, A. Taibah, R. Scandellari, A. Russo, G. Jemmi)
Proceedings Third Internat. Conf. on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery. Ed. by M. Tos et altri.
Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, 1043-1045, 1989.
116) Cholesteatoma of the temporal bone. (in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, A. Taibah, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi) Proceedings of the Third Internat. Conf. on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery. Ed. by M. Tos et altri.
Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, 1077-1080, 1989.
117) La selezione dei candidati all'impianto Cocleare tipo House: esperienza della Clinica O.R.L. II dell'Università di Parma.
(in coll. con S. Bacciu, R. Scandellari, G. Jemmi, A. Borghini, E. Cantoni, G. Fava, P. Gherardi)
Il Valsalva 64, 251-257,1988.
118) Postepowanie Mikrochirurgiczne w przetokach blednikowych pochodzenia perlakowego.
(in coll. con C. Zini, G. Jemmi, R. Scandellari, P. Delogu) Otolaryng. Pol. 1988, XLII, 5.
119) Facial nerve and acoustic neuroma. (in coll. con C. Zini, A. Mazzoni, A. Gandolfi, E. Pasanisi, R. Pareschi) In: Neurinomes de L'Acoustique - Acquisitions et Controverses, 71-80, 1988. Ed Medicales Pierre Fabre.
120) Diagnostica clinica e neuroradiologica. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, C. Landolfi, R. Menozzi)
Acta Otorhinolaryng. Italica 9, 234-240, 1989.
121) Diagnosis and treatment of primitive facial nerve tumors.
(in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, E. Pasanisi, A. Russo, A. Taibah) Proceedings Sixth Internat. Symp. on the Facial Nerve, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
october 2-5-1988.
Ed. by D. Castro, 1989 Kugler and Ghedini, Amsterdam.
122) The clinical diagnosis of acoustic neuromas. (in coll. con A. Gandolfi, C. Zini, F. Piazza) Neurological Surgery of the ear and skull base. Kugler and Ghedini Pubb. Amsterdam, l55-159, 1989.
123) Stapedotomy versus Stapedectomy. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, A. Russo, A. Taibah, D. Napolitano, A. Cerri, E. Pasanisi, L. Vassalli)
Proceedings of the Internat. Symp. Ed. by Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/Berkeley 1990.
124) Primary intratemporal tumours of the facial nerve: Diagnosis and treatment.
(in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, E. Pasanisi) Journal of Laryng. and Otol. 104, 765-771,1990.
125) Inner ear cholesteatoma and the preservation of cochlear function. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, C. Zini, A. Taibah, E. Pasanisi, L. Vassalli) Journal of laryng. and Otol. 104, 1990.
126) Eterotrapianto vs autotrapianto nella ricostruzione della M. T. studio comparativo. (in coll. con W. Livi, A. Taibah, A. Russo) Atti XIII Congr. Naz. S.I.R.C.,, Siena, 3-5 Dicembre, pp. 953-956,1987
127) Otite esterna maligna e diabete mellito: studio di due casi clinici.
(in coll. con G. Passeri, A. Pezzarossa, G. Snelli, N. Orlandi,
S. Bacciu, P. Sansoni) Giornate Italiane di Diabetologia, 10, 225-230, 1990.
128) I risultati a lungo termine nella ricostruzione della catena ossiculare con protesi in plastipore¬.
(in coll. con M. Magnani, E. Pasanisi, A.K. Taibah, A. Russo)
Atti 4° Convegno-Audiologico Pavese "La ricostruzione ossiculare oggi: tecniche, materiali e risultati ", Salice Terme, 28-29 Settembre 1990.
129) L'embolizzazione pre-operatoria nelle neoplasie della base cranica. (in coll. con P. Piazza, F. Cusmano, R. Menozzi, P. Bassi, C. Zini) Neuroradiologia pp. 123- , Ed. del Centauro - Udine 1991.
130) TORPs and PORPs. Long term results. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Magnani, N. Frau, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi, G. Bortesi). Transplants and Implants in Otology II, 1992
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan, April 1-5, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 85-86,1992.
131) The fate of cartilage on top of plastipore ossicular prostheses.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, A. Russo,
A.K. Taibah, E. Pasanisi, L. Vassalli)
Transplants and Implants in Otology II, 1992
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Matsusyama, Ehime, Japan, April 1-5, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 93-95, 1992.
132) Fitted incus Long term results. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, A.K Taibah, A. Baldini, M. Landolfi,
E. Pasanisi, L. Vassalli)
Transplants and Implants in Otology II, 1992
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Matsusyma, Ehine, Japan, April 1-5, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 51-53,1992.
133) Atypical presentation of acoustic neuroma. (In coll. con L. Vassalli, M. Landolfi. A.K. Taibah, A. Russo, E.Pasanisi, M. Shaan)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 23-30, 1992.
134) Hearing preservation: a criticai review of the literature. (in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, M. Landolfi, M. Shaan, F. Piazza) Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 631-638, 1992
135) Surgery of the " only hearing ear" with chronic ear disease.
(in coll. con C.M. Shea, R. Gamoletti, A. Russo)
Jour. Laryng. Otol., 106, 1992.
136) Growth rate of acousdc neuromas. (in coll. con A.K. Taibah, M.Landolfi, L. Vassalli, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi, M. Shaan)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 183-186, 1992.
137) Preservation of the facial nerve in acoustic neuroma Surgery via the translabyrinthine approach.
(in coll. con A.K. Taibah, M. Landolfi, L. Vassalli, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi, M. Shaan)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991 Kugger and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 389-390, 1992.
138) Translabyrinthine removal of an acoustic neuroma in a contracted mastoid.
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29,1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 391-392,1992.
139) Translabyrinthine removal of a very large acoustic neuroma. (in coll. con A. Russo, A.K. Taibah, M. Landolfi, L. Vassalli, E. Pasanisi,
G. Chelmis)
Acoustic Neuroma,1992 Proceedings of the First Internadonal Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29,1991
Kugler and Ghedini, Amsterdam, 393-395, 1992.
140) Acoustic neuroma removal through enlarged middle fossa.
(in coll. con A.K Taibah, M. Landolfi, L. Vassalli, E. Pasanisi, M. Shaan)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 495-496, 1992
141) The pors and cons of the translabyrinthine, middle cranial fossa and retrosigmoid approaches in the of acoustic neuromas.
(in coll. con C. Zini, A. Gandolfi, F. Piazza)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 499-500, 1992
142) The problem of facial nerve anatomical and functional preservation in relation to different approaches
(in coll. con F. Piazza, C. Zini, C. Iagher)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 767-770, 1992
143) Rerouting and end-to-end anastomosis of the facial nerve in translabyrinthine removal of acoustic neuromas.
(in coll. con L. Vassalli, A.K. Taibah, M. Landolfi, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi, G. Chelmis) Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 775-776, 1992
144) Removal of a meningioma of the cerebellopontine angle via the extended translabyrinthine approach.
(in coll. con M. Landolfi, L. Vassalli, A.K. Taibah, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi, G. Chelmis)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29,1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 965-968,1992
145) Synopsis on: Hearing preservation following acoustic neuroma surgery.
(in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Tos, J. Thomsen)
Acoustic Neuroma, 1992 Proceedings of the First International Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-29, 1991
Kugler and Ghedini Pub., Amsterdam, 965-968, 1992
146) Revalidation of Bondy technique.
(in coll. con M. Landofi, A. Taibah, A. Russo, M. Szymanski, M. Shaan)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery.
Proceedings of the Fourth Intren.
Conference Niigata, Japan,
September 8-12,1992
Kugler Publication, Amsterdam/New York, 1993.
147) Management of labyrinthine fistula.
(in coll. con C. Zini, S. Bacciu, R. Scandellari, A.Russo, M. Shaan, A. Taibah, M. Szymanski)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surger.
Proceedings of the Fourth Intren.
Conference Niigata, Japan, September 8-12,1992 Kugler Publication, Amsterdam/New York, 1993.
148) Open technique in cholesteatoma. (in coll. con A. Taibah, A. Russo, M. Landolfi, M. Shaan)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery.
Proceedings of the Fourth Intren. Conference
Niigata, Japan, September 8-12, 1992
Kugler Publication, Amsterdam/New York, 1993.
149) Surgical treatment of petrous bone cholesteatoma. (in coll. con R. Gamoletti, M. Landolfi, A. Russo, M. Shaan A. Taibah, E. Pasanisi) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery.
Proceedings of the Fourth Intren. Conference Niigata, Japan, September 8-12, 1992
Kugler Publication, Amsterdam/New York, 1993.
150) Congenital cholesteatoma. (in coll. con A. Russo, A. Taibah, M. Landolfi, M. Shaan, E. Pasanisi, R. Scandellari) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery.
Proceedings of the Fourth Intren. Conference Niigata, Japan, September 8-12, 1992
Kugler Publication, Amsterdam/New York, 1993.
301) [Clinical experience in 36 cases of using of the extended translabyrinthine technique for the treatment of large acoustic neuromas]
Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2005 Sep;40(9):705-7.
(in coll con Tong MC, Lam JM, Hu BH).
302) Preoperative predictive factors for hearing preservation in vestibular schwannoma surgery.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2006 Jan;115(1):41-6.
(in coll con Rohit, Piccirillo E, Jain Y, Augurio A).
303) Hearing preservation surgery in vestibular schwannoma.
J Laryngol Otol. 2006 May;120(5):366-70. Epub 2006 Mar 24.
(in coll con Khrais T)
304).Petrous bone cholesteatoma: management and outcomes.
Laryngoscope. 2006 Apr;116(4):619-26.
(in coll con Omran A, De Denato G, Piccirillo E, Leone O)
305) Quality of life after acoustic neuroma surgery.
Otol Neurotol. 2006 Apr;27(3):403-9.
(in coll con Tufarelli D, Meli A, Alesii A, De Angelis E, Badaracco C, Falcioni M)
306) Surgical removal of jugular paragangliomas after stenting of the intratemporal internal carotid artery: a preliminary report.
Laryngoscope. 2006 May;116(5):742-6.
(in coll con Khrais T, Menozi R, Piaza P.)
307) Revision glomus tumor surgery.
Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2006 Aug;39(4):763-82, vii. Review.
(in coll con De Donato G, Piazza P, Falcioni M.)
308) Auditory brainstem implant in a child with severely ossified cochlea.
Laryngoscope. 2006 Sep;116(9):1700-3.
(in coll con Khrais T, Guida M, Falcioni M.)
309) Surgical management of jugular foramen schwannomas with hearing and facial nerve function preservation: a series of 23 cases and review of the literature.
Laryngoscope. 2006 Dec;116(12):2191-204.
(in coll con Bacciu A, Falcioni M, Taibah A).
310) Intracanalicular meningioma: clinical features, radiologic findings, and surgical management.
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Apr;28(3):391-9.
(in coll con Bacciu A, Piazza P, Di Lella F).
311) Management of intralabyrinthine schwannomas.
Auris Nasus Larynx. 2007 Dec;34(4):459-63. Epub 2007 Apr 27.
(in coll con Di Lella F, Dispenza F, De Stefano A, Falcioni M)
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Jul 14;
(in coll con Sanna M).
313) Absence of the contralateral internal carotid artery: a challenge for management of ipsilateral glomus jugulare and glomus vagale tumors.
Laryngoscope. 2007 Aug;117(8):1333-7.
(in coll con Piazza P, Di Lella F, Menozzi R, Bacciu A).
314) Surgical management of jugular foramen meningiomas: a series of 13 cases and review of the literature.
Laryngoscope. 2007 Oct;117(10):1710-9.
(in coll con Bacciu A, Falcioni M, Taibah A, Piazza P.).
315) Balance Impairment After Acoustic Neuroma Surgery.
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Jul 26;Publish Ahead of Print
(in coll con Tufarelli D, Meli A, Labini FS, Badaracco C, De Angelis E, Alesii A, Falcioni M)
316) Posterior petrous face meningiomas: an algorithm for surgical management.
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Oct;28(7):942-50.
(in coll con Bacciu A., Pasanisi E., Taibah A., Piazza P.).
317) Intratympanic gentamicin: a 1-day protocol treatment for unilateral Meniere's disease.
Am J Otolaryngol. 2007 Sep-Oct;28(5):289-93.
(in coll con De Stefano A, Dispenza F, De Donato G, Caruso A, Taibah A).
318) Decision making for solitary vestibular schwannoma and contralateral Meniere's disease.
Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(1):53-7. Epub 2007 Sep 11.
(in coll con Dispenza F, De Stefano A, Flanagan S, Romano G).
319) Intraoperative cochlear nerve monitoring in vestibular schwannoma surgery--does it really affect hearing outcome?
Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(1):58-64. Epub 2007 Sep 20.
(in coll con Piccirillo E, Hiraumi H, Hamada M, Russo A, De Stefano A.).
320) Surgical management of lesions of the internal carotid artery using a modified Fisch Type A infratemporal approach.
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Oct;28(7):994. No abstract available.
(in coll con Flanagan S.).
321) Balance impairment after acoustic neuroma surgery.
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Sep;28(6):814-21.
(in coll con Tufarelli D, Meli A, Labini FS, Badaracco C, De Angelis E, Alesii A, Falcioni M)
322) The combined transmastoid retro- and infralabyrinthine transjugular transcondylar transtubercular high cervical approach for resection of glomus jugulare tumors.
Neurosurgery. 2007 Dec;61(6):E1340; author reply E1340.
(in coll con Flanagan S.).
323) Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Retrosigmoid Excision of Vestibular Schwannomas.
Otol Neurotol. 2007 Dec 28; [
(in coll con Maurizio Falcioni, Romano G, Nitin Aggarwal).
324) Nerve origin of vestibular schwannoma: a prospective study.
J Laryngol Otol. 2007 Nov 27;:1-4 []
(in coll con Khrais T, Romano G)
325) Hearing Rehabilitation in Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Patients: Cochlear versus Auditory Brainstem Implantation.Audiol Neurootol. 2008 Feb 7;13(4):273-280 [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18259080 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
(in coll. con Vincenti V, Pasanisi E, Guida M, Di Trapani G)
326) Management of chronic otitis by middle ear obliteration with blind sac closure of the external auditory canal.
Otol Neurotol. 2008 Jan;29(1):19-22.
PMID: 18199953 [PubMed - in process]
(in coll. con Dispenza F, Flanagan S, De Stefano A, Falcioni M.)
327) Decision making for solitary vestibular schwannoma and contralateral Meniere's disease.
Dispenza F, De Stefano A, Flanagan S, Romano G, Sanna M.
Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(1):53-7. Epub 2007 Sep 11.
PMID: 17848792 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
328) Intraoperative cochlear nerve monitoring in vestibular schwannoma surgery--does it really affect hearing outcome?
Piccirillo E, Hiraumi H, Hamada M, Russo A, De Stefano A, Sanna M.
Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(1):58-64. Epub 2007 Sep 20.
PMID: 17890858 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
329) Hearing rehabilitation in neurofibromatosis type 2 patients: cochlear versus auditory brainstem implantation.
Vincenti V, Pasanisi E, Guida M, Di Trapani G, Sanna M.
Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(4):273-80. Epub 2008 Feb 7.
PMID: 18259080 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
330) Cerebrospinal fluid leak after retrosigmoid excision of vestibular schwannomas.
Falcioni M, Romano G, Aggarwal N, Sanna M.
Otol Neurotol. 2008 Apr;29(3):384-6.
PMID: 18364575 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
331) CNAP To Predict Functional Cochlear Nerve Preservation in NF-2: Cochlear Implant or Auditory Brainstem Implant.
Piccirillo E, Guida M, Flanagan S, Lauda L, Fois P, Sanna M.
Skull Base. 2008 Jul;18(4):281-7.
PMID: 19119343 [PubMed - in process]
332) Chondrosarcomas of the jugular foramen.
Sanna M, Bacciu A, Pasanisi E, Piazza P, Fois P, Falcioni M.
Laryngoscope. 2008 Oct;118(10):1719-28.
PMID: 18622309 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
333) Modified Bondy's technique: refinements of the surgical technique and long-term results.
Sanna M, Facharzt AA, Russo A, Lauda L, Pasanisi E, Bacciu A.
Otol Neurotol. 2009 Jan;30(1):64-9.
PMID: 19034202 [PubMed - in process]
334) Intracranial facial nerve grafting after removal of vestibular schwannoma.
Bacciu A, Falcioni M, Pasanisi E, Di Lella F, Lauda L, Flanagan S, Sanna M.
Am JOtolaryngol. 2009 Mar-Apr;30(2):83-8. Epub 2008 Jul 22. PubMed PMID: 19239948.
335) Management of meningoencephalic herniation of the temporal bone:
Personal experience and literature review
Sanna M, Paolo F, Russo A, Falcioni M. .
Laryngoscope. 2009 Aug;119(8):1579-85. Review. PubMed PMID: 19479744.
336) Cystic vestibular schwannoma: classification, management, and facial nerve
Piccirillo E, Wiet MR, Flanagan S, Dispenza F, Giannuzzi A, Mancini F, Sanna M.
outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2009 Sep;30(6):826-34. PubMed PMID: 19704364.
337) Sanna M, Dispenza F, Mathur N, De Stefano A, De Donato G. Otoneurological management of petrous apex cholesterol granuloma. Am J Otolaryngol. 2009
Nov-Dec;30(6):407-14. Epub 2009 Mar 6. PubMed PMID: 19880030.
33) Merkus P, Sanna M. CONSERVATIVE OR SURGICAL TREATMENT OF A VESTIBULAR SCHWANNOMA. Otol Neurotol. 2009 Oct 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
339) Merkus P, Taibah A, Sequino G, Sanna M. Less than 1% cerebrospinal fluid leakage in 1,803 translabyrinthine vestibular schwannoma surgery cases. Otol Neurotol. 2010 Feb;31(2):276-83. PubMed PMID: 20042905.
340) Pandya Y, Piccirillo E, Mancini F, Sanna M. Management of complex cases of petrous bone cholesteatoma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2010 Aug;119(8):514-25. PubMed PMID: 20860276.
341) Sanna M, Pandya Y, Mancini F, Sequino G, Piccirillo E. Petrous Bone Cholesteatoma: Classification, Management and Review of the Literature. Audiol Neurootol. 2010 Jul 29;16(2):124-136. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20668373.
342) Sanna M, Fois P, Pasanisi E, Russo A, Bacciu A. Middle ear and mastoid glomus tumors (glomus tympanicum): an algorithm for the surgical management. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2010 Dec;37(6):661-8. Epub 2010 Apr 18. PubMed PMID: 20400250.
343) Angeli RD, Piccirillo E, Di Trapani G, Sequino G, Taibah A, Sanna M. Enlarged translabyrinthine approach with transapical extension in the management of giant vestibular schwannomas: personal experience and review of literature. Otol Neurotol. 2011 Jan; 32(1):125-31. PubMed PMID: 21131891.
344) Pandya Y, Piccirillo E, Mancini F, Sanna M. Management of complex cases of petrous bone cholesteatoma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2010 Aug;119(8):514-25. PubMed PMID: 20860276.
345) Ventura E, Ormitti F, Crisi G, Sanna M, Bacciu A. Bilateral cerebellopontine angle lipomas. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2011 May 12. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21570787.
346) Tanbouzi Husseini S, Piccirillo E, Taibah A, Paties CT, Rizzoli R, Sanna M. Malignancy in vestibular schwannoma after stereotactic radiotherapy: A case report and review of the literature. Laryngoscope. 2011 May;121(5):923-8. doi: 10.1002/lary.21448. PubMed PMID: 21520103.
347) Ozmen OA, Falcioni M, Lauda L, Sanna M. Outcomes of facial nerve grafting in 155 cases: predictive value of history and preoperative function. Otol Neurotol. 2011 Oct;32(8):1341-6. PubMed PMID: 21897319.
348) Shin SH, Sivalingam S, De Donato G, Falcioni M, Piazza P, Sanna M. Vertebral Artery Involvement by Tympanojugular Paragangliomas: Management and Outcomes with a Proposed Addition to the Fisch Classification. Audiol Neurootol. 2011 Aug 18;17(2):92-104. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21849774.
350) Rabelo de Freitas M, Russo A, Sequino G, Piccirillo E, Sanna M. Analysis of Hearing Preservation and Facial Nerve Function for Patients Undergoing Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery: The Middle Cranial Fossa Approach versus the Retrosigmoid Approach - Personal Experience and Literature Review. Audiol Neurootol. 2011 Aug 9;17(2):71-81. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21829012.
351) Odat HA, Piccirillo E, Sequino G, Taibah A, Sanna M. Management strategy of vestibular schwannoma in neurofibromatosis type 2. Otol Neurotol. 2011 Sep;32(7):1163-70. PubMed PMID: 21817944.
352) Konishi M, Piazza P, Shin SH, Sivalingam S, Sanna M. The use of internal carotid artery stenting in management of bilateral carotid body tumors. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Oct;268(10):1535-9. Epub 2011 Aug 4. PubMed PMID: 21814731.
352) Angeli RD, Ammar MB, Sanna M. Letter to the Editor. Acta Otolaryngol. 2011 Jul 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21728749.
353) Shin SH, Piazza P, De Donato G, Sivalingam S, Lauda L, Vitullo F, Sanna M. Management of Vagal Paragangliomas Including Application of Internal Carotid Artery Stenting. Audiol Neurootol. 2011 Jun 17;17(1):39-53. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21691058.
354) Falcioni M, Fois P, Taibah A, Sanna M. Facial nerve function after vestibular schwannoma surgery. J Neurosurg. 2011 Jun 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21682562.
355) Sanna M, Shin SH, De Donato G, Sivalingam S, Lauda L, Vitullo F, Piazza P. Management of complex tympanojugular paragangliomas including endovascular intervention. Laryngoscope. 2011 Jul;121(7):1372-82. doi: 10.1002/lary.21826. Epub 2011 Jun 10. PubMed PMID: 21671236.
356) Ben Ammar M, Merkus P, Di Lella F, Sanna M. Management of CSF leak after vestibular schwannoma surgery. Otol Neurotol. 2012 Apr;33(3):491-2. PubMed PMID: 22377648.
357) Husseini ST, Piccirillo E, Taibah A, Paties CT, Almutair T, Sanna M. The Gruppo Otologico experience of endolymphatic sac tumor. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2012 Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22326122.
358) Ventura E, Ormitti F, Crisi G, Sanna M, Bacciu A. Bilateral cerebellopontine angle lipomas. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2012 Feb;39(1):103-6. Epub 2011 May 13. PubMed PMID: 21570787.
359) Sanna M, Di Lella F, Guida M, Merkus P. Auditory brainstem implants in NF2 patients: results and review of the literature. Otol Neurotol. 2012 Feb;33(2):154-64. PubMed PMID: 22246383.
360) Sanna M, Duong TM. Ossicular chain preservation in epitympanic cholesteatoma surgery: the modified Bondy technique. Otol Neurotol. 2012 Feb;33(2):278; author reply 278-9. PubMed PMID: 22215453.
361) Ben Ammar M, Piccirillo E, Topsakal V, Taibah A, Sanna M. Surgical Results and Technical Refinements in Translabyrinthine Excision of Vestibular Schwannomas: The Gruppo Otologico Experience. Neurosurgery. 2012 Jan 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22270232.
362) Sivalingam S, Konishi M, Shin SH, Lope Ahmed RA, Piazza P, Sanna M. Surgical management of tympanojugular paragangliomas with intradural extension, with a proposed revision of the Fisch classification. Audiol Neurootol. 2012;17(4):243-55. Epub 2012 May 15. PubMed PMID: 22584244.
363) Lope Ahmad RA, Sivalingam S, Konishi M, De Donato G, Sanna M. Oncologic outcome in surgical management of jugular paraganglioma and factors influencing outcomes. Head Neck. 2012 Apr 27. doi: 10.1002/hed.22987. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22544660.
364) Ahmad RA, Sivalingam S, Topsakal V, Russo A, Taibah A, Sanna M. Rate of recurrent vestibular schwannoma after total removal via different surgical approaches. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012 Mar;121(3):156-61. PubMed PMID: 22530474.
365) Husseini ST, Piccirillo E, Sanna M. On "malignant transformation of acoustic neuroma/vestibular schwannoma 10 years after gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery" (skull base 2010;20:381-388). Skull Base. 2011 Mar;21(2):135-8. PubMed PMID: 22451815; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3312586.
366)Merkus P, Lella FD, Trapani GD, Pasanisi E, Beltrame MA, Zanetti D, Negri M, Sanna M. Indications and contraindications of auditory brainstem implants: systematic review and illustrative cases. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Feb 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23404468.
367)Husseini ST, Piccirillo E, Taibah A, Almutair T, Sequino G, Sanna M. Salvage surgery of vestibular schwannoma after failed radiotherapy: The Gruppo Otologico experience and review of the literature. Am J Otolaryngol. 2013 Mar;34(2):107-14. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2012.09.012. Epub 2012 Nov 22. PubMed PMID: 23177377.
368) Thomas H. Alexander,MD - Book Review "Atlas of Acoustic Neurinoma Microsurgery 2nd Edition" Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:134 DOI: 10.1159/000345438. 2013, Jan 12
151) Atypical preservation of acoustic neuroma.
(in coll. con M. Shaan, L. Vassalli, M. Landolfi, A. Taibah, A. Russo)
Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg., 109, 865-870, 1993.
152) Cordoma del clivus: valutazione radiologica.
(in coll. con R. Menozzi, P. Piazza, P. Bassi)
Ed. del Centauro – Udine. Neuroradiologia, 153-160, 1993.
153) Neoformazione dell'apice della rocca e del forarne giugulare: diagnosi e trattamento.
(in coll. con A. Russo, A. Taibah) In: "TC rocche petrose e base cranica" Associazione Abruzzese per l'aggiornamento in Radiologia. 1993.
154) Vascular mlaformation of the internal auditory Canal. (in coll. con E. Saleh, M. Naguib, A. Russo, A. Taibah) Journ. Laryng. Otol. 107, 1039-1042, 1993.
155) Petrous bone cholesteatoma.
(in coll. con C. Zini, R. Gamoletti, N. Frau, A. Taibah, A. Russo, E. Pasanisi)
Skull Base Surgery 3, 4, 201-213, 1993.
156) Retrolabyrinthine vestibular neurectomy.
(In coll. con M. Aristegui, Y. Cokkeser, E. Saleh, M. Naguib, M. Landolfi) Meniere Diseases Pathog., Pathophy., Diagn. and Treat.
Proceedings of the Third Intern. Symposium
Rome, Italy, October 20-23, 1993.
Kugler Publicadons, Amsterdam/New York 1994.
157) Revision stapes surgery: a critical evaluation.
(in coll. con Y. Cokkeser, M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, E. Saleh, M. Landolfi, A. Russo)
Turk J. Med Res. 12, 1, 1993.
158) Tratamiento del colesteatoma intrapetroso (CIP). (in coll. con A. Mazzoni, M. Landolfi, M. Aristegui) Acta Otorinolaring. Esp. 45, 3,(143-152), 1994.
159) Decision making in acoustic neuroma management: the only hearing ear. (in coll. con M. Naguib, E. Saleh, M. Aristegui, A. Mazzoni)
Skull Base Surgery 4, 1, 43-47, 1994.
160) Management of the high jugular bulb in the translabyrinthine approach.
(in coll. con E. Saleh, M. Aristegui, A. Taibah, A. Mazzoni) Otolaryng. Head Neck Surg. 110, 397-399, 1994.
161) The enlarged translabyrinthine approach for removal of large vestibular schwannomas.
(in coll. con M. Naguib, E. Saleh, Y. Cokkeser, M. Aristegui, M. Landolfi, A. Taibah, A. Mazzoni)
Journ. Laryng. Otol. 108, 545-550,1994.
162) Via della fossa cranica media allargata: una analisi morfometrica. (in coll. con M. Landolfi, M. Aristegui, A. Taibah, A. Russo, E. Saleh) Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 14, 127-134,1994.
163) Revalidation of the bondy technique¬ (in coll. con Y. Cokkeser, M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, E. Saleh)
Turk J. Med. Res. 12, 1, 1994.
164) Identification of IAC in the MCF approach: a new technique. (in coll. con Y. Cokkeser, M. Aristegui, M. Naguib, E. Saleh, A. Taibah)
Turk Otolarengoloji Arsivi 32, 40-45,1994.
165) Posterior fossa meningiomas: surgical strategy. (in coll. con E. Saleh, A. Taibah, V. Achilli, M. Aristegui, A. Mazzoni) Skull Base Surgery 4, 4 202-212, 1994.
166) Surgical anatomy of the extended middle cranial fossa approach. (in coll. con M. Aristegui, Y. Cokkeser, E. Saleh, M. Naguib, M. Landolfi, A. Taibah) Skull Base Surgery 4, 4, 181-188,1994.
167) Surgical management of epitympanic cholesteatoma with intact ossicular chain: the modified bondy technique.
(in coll. con M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, E. Saleh, Y. Cokkeser, A.Russo) Otolaryng. Head Neck Surg. 111, 5, 545-549,1994.
168) Giant cell tumor of the lateral skull base: a case report. (in coll. con E. Saleh, A. Taibah, M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, G. Vassallo, M. Landolfi) Otolaryng. Head Neck Surg. 111, 3(1), 314-318, 1994.
169) Surgical anatomy of the petrous apex as it relates to the enlarged middle cranial fossa approaches.
(in coll. con M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, E. Saleh, Y. Cokkeser, M. Landolfi) Otolaryng. Head Neck Surg. 111, 1994.
170) Lateral approaches to the median skull base trough the petrous bone: the system of the modified transcochlear approach.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni E. Saleh, A. Taibah, A.Russo) Journ. Laryng. Otol. 108,1036-1044, 1994.
171) Surgical anatomy of the vertebral artery at the craniocervical junction.
(in coll. con Y. Cokkeser, M. Aristegui, M. Naguib, E. Saleh, A. Taibah)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society.
Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30,1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
172) Surgical anatomy of the jugular foramen area. (in coll. con E. Saleh, M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, Y. Cokkeser, A. Russo)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society.
Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30, 1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
173) The modified transcochlear approaches to the skull base: results and indications
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, A. Taibah, E. Saleh, A. Russo, A. Khashaba)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society.
Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30,1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
174) Strategy in posterior fossa meningioma.
(in coll. con A. Taibah, Y. Achilli, E. Saleh, A. Russo, A. Mazzoni)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society.
Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30,1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
175) Management of petrous bone cholesteatoma.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, C. Zini, A. Taibah, E. Saleh, A. Russo, A. Khashaba)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25~30, 1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
176) Pathological basis of clivus surgical strategy. (in coll. con A. Belal)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30, 1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
177) Extended middle cranial fossa approach: a morphometric analysis (in coll. con M. Aristegui, Y. Cokkeser, E. Saleh, M. Naguib, M. Landolfi)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30,1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
178) The petrous apex: anatomical study. (in coll. con M. Naguib, E Saleh, Y. Cokkeser, M. Aristegui)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society.
Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30, 1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994
179) Exposure of the internal auditory canal with the middle cranial fossa approach: a new technique.
(in coll. con Y. Cokkeser, M. Aristegui, M. Naguib, E. Saleh,
A. Taibah)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30,1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
180) Radiological evaluation of skull base chordomas. (in coll. con P. Piazza, R. Menozzi, F. Cusmano, P. Bassi)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society.
Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30, 1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
181) The transpetrous and combined approaches to the central skull base: neuro¬otological experience.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, M. Landolfi, G. Danesi, V. Achilli)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30, 1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
182) Results of surgery for C-class glomus tumors of the temporal bone: treatment options.
(in coll. con G. Danesi, A. Mazzoni, R Pareschi, C. Zappone)
Skull Base
Proceedings of the First Congress of the European Skull Base Society. Riva del Garda, Italy, September 25-30,1993.
Edited by Sanna - Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1994.
183) Le cholestéatome congénital de l'oreille moyenne et de pyramide péetrouse. (in coll. con S. Karmarkar, S. Bhatia, A. Khashaba, A. Russo, A. Taibah)
Premiere Reunion Europeenne d'Otologie.
X° Jounée Otologique In: « L'Otite chronique ». Ed. Arnette - Blackwell, pp. 147-154, 1994.
184) Chirurgia dell'otite media adesiva associata a colesteatoma. (in coll. con G. De Donato, A. Russo, A. Taibah)
La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatrica,117, suppl. 2, 1994.
185) Management of the high jugular bulb in the translabyrinthine approach. (in coll. con E. Saleh, M. Aristegui, A. Taibah, A. Mazzoni) Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 110, 397- 399, 1994.
186) Lower skull base. anatomic study with surgical implications. (in coll. con E. Saleh, M. Naguib, M. Aristegui, Y. Cokkeser) Ann. Otol. Rhin. Laryng. 104, 1, 5761, 1995.
187) The modified transcochlear approach to the petroclival area and the prepontine cistern: indications, technique and results.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni, A. Taibah, A. Russo, M. Aristegui) Acta Otorinol. Esp. 46, 4, 259-267,1995.
188) Facial nerve neuromas: diagnosis and management. (in coll. con E. Saleh, V. Achilli, M. Nagiub, A. Taibah, A. Russo, A. Mazzoni)
Am. J. Otol. 16, 4, 521-526, 1995.
189) Modified Bondy technique. (in coll. con M. Shaan, M. Landolfi, A. Taibah, A. Russo, M. Szymanski)
Am. J. Otol. 16, 5, 695-07, 1995.
190) Meningoencephalic herniation into the middle ear: a report of 27 cases.
(in coll. con M. Aristegui, M. Falcioni, E. Saleh, A. Taibah, A. Russo, M. Landolfi)
Laryngoscope 105, 513-517, 1995.
191) An easy, cost-effective and time-conserving method of studying the vascular anatomy of the base of the skuIl.
(in coll. con M. Landolfi, S. Karmarkar, S. Bhatia, A. Taibah, A. Russo) Skull Base Surgery 5, 3, 189-192, 1995.
192) Pathology in focus. Benign osteoblastoma of the mastoid part of the temporal bone: case report.
(in coll. con A. Khashaba, G. De Donato, G. Vassallo, M. Landolfi, A. Russo,
A. Taibah)
Jour. Laryng. Otol. 109, 565~568, 1995.
193) Review articles. Hearing preservation in vestibular schwannoma surgery: fact or fantasy? (in coll. con S. Karmarkar, M. Landolfi) Jour. Laryng. Otol. 109, 374-380, 1995.
194) Main articles. Canal wall down mastoidectomy: causes of failure, pitfalls and their management
(in coll. con S. Bhatia, S Karmarkar, G. De Donato, C. Mutlu, A. Taibah, A. Russo)
Jour. Laryng. Otol. 109, 583-589,1995
195) Incidenza della normacusia nel neurinoma dell'acustico. (in coll. con G. De Donato, A. Russo, E. Saleh)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 15, 1995.
196) Surgical treatment of cholesteatoma in children. (in coll. con C. Mutlu, A. Khashaba, E. Saleh, S. Karmarkar, S. Bhatia, G. De Donato,A. Russo)
Otolaryng. Head Neck Surg. 113, 1995.
197) Infratemporal hemangiomas involving the facial nerve: Diagnosis and management.
(in coll. con S. Bhatia, S. Karmarkar,V.. Calabrese, M. Landofi, A. Taibah, A. Russo,
A. Mazzoni)
Skull Base Surgery 5, (4), 227-232, 1995.
198) Cerebrospinal fluid leak after translabyrinthine acoustic neuroma surgery. (in coll. con S.M. Celikkanat, E. Saleh, A. Khashaba, A. Taibah, A. Russo,
A. Mazzoni)
Otolar. Head Neck Surg. 112, 654-658, 1995.
199) A posterolateral approach to the skull base: the petro-occipital transsigmoid approach.
(in coll. con A. Mazzoni)
Skull Base Surgery 5, (3), 157-167, 1995.
200) Cholesteatoma surgery: the individualized technique. (in coll. con S. Karmarkar, S. Bhatia, E. Saleh, G. De Donato, A. Taibah, A. Russo) Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryng. 104, 8, 591-596, 1995.
201) Ernie meningoencefaliche nell'orecchio medio. (In coll. con M. Falcioni, M. Aristegui, M. Landolfi, E. Saleh, A. Taibah, A. Russo)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital.,15, 305-311,1995.
202) The system of modified transcochlear approaches for intradural skull base lesions.
(In coll. con S. Karmarkar, S. Bhatia, E. Saleh, A. Taibah, A. Russo, A. Mazzoni) I.J 0. & H.N.S. 47, 4, Oct-Dec.,1995.
203) Congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear and petrous bone (In co1l con S. Karmarkar)
I.J.O. & H.N.S. 47, 2, April-June, 1995.
204) 11 colesteatoma congenito dell'orecchio medio: una casistica differente dalla letteratura.
(In coll. con M. Landolfi, M. Falcioni, A. Taibah, A. Russo, G. De Donato, F. Mancini)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital., 15, 411-415,1995.
205) Pediatric cholesteatoma: is it different than adult form? (In coll. con C. Mutlu, A. Khashaba, E. Saleh, S. Karmarkar) The New Journal of Med. (suppl.)13,1, 1-3,1996
206) Measurement of endocochlear DC potentials in ears with acoustic neuromas: a preliminary report.
(In coll. con T. Kobayashi, A. Aslan, T. Chiba, T. Takasaka) Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh) 116, 791-795,1996.
207) Vestibular schwannoma and the only hearing ear. (In coll. con S. Bhatia, S. Karmarkar, A. Taibah, A. Russo) The Journal of Laryng. and Otol. 110, 366-369,1996.
208) Hearing preservation following the enlarged middle fossa approach for vestibular schwannoma removal.
(In coll. con A. Russo, S. Karmarkar, E. Saleh, A. Taibah, F. Mancini)
Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, pp. 241-249
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Acousdc Neuroma Surgery and 2nd European Skull Base Society Congress, Paris, France, April 22-26, 1995. Edited by J. M. Sterkers, R. Charachon and 0. Sterkers
1996 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/New York.
209) Middle ear meningoencephalic herniation. A modified middle cranial fossa technique.
(In coll. con M. Aristegui, M. Landolfi, A. Russo, A. Taibah,
E. Saleh)
Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, pp. 735-738
Proceedings of the 2nd Internadonal Conference on Acoustic Neuroma Surgery and 2nd European Skull Base Society Congress, Paris, France, April 22-26, 1995. Edited by J. M. Sterkers, R. Charachon and O. Sterkers
1996 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/New York.
210) Management of jugular foramen meningioma with or without neck extension to the jugulo-carotid space.
(In coll. con A. Taibah, E. Saleh, V. Achilli, A. Russo, A. Mazzoni)
Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, pp. 475-478
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Acoustic Neuroma Surgery and 2nd European Skull Base Society Congress, Paris, France, Aprzl 22-26,1995.
Edited by J.M. Sterkers, R. Charachon and O. Sterkers
1996 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/New York
211) Management of acoustic neuroma through the enlarged translabyrinthine approach. How can we improve the results ?
(In coll. con F. Mancini, M. Falcioni, M. Landolfi, A. Taibah, A. Russo, A. Mazzoni) Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, pp. 185-193
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Acoustic Neuroma Surgery and 2nd European Skull Base Society Congress, Paris, France, April 22-26,1995.
Edited by J. M. Sterkers, R. Charachon and O. Sterkers
1996 Kugler Publications, AmsterdanvNew York
212) Surgical management of transdural tumors. (In coll. con E. Saleh, A. Taibah, A. Russo, A. Mazzoni)
Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, pp. 521-524
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Acoustic Neuroma Surgery and 2nd European Skull Base Society Congress, Paris, France, April 22-26, 1995.
Edited by J. M. Sterkers, R. Charachon and O. Sterkers
1996 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/New York
213) Normal hearing in acoustic neuroma.
(In coll. con M. Falcioni, G. De Donato, E. Saleh, A. Taibah, A. Russo)
Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery, pp. 83-86
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Acoustic Neuroma Surgery and 2nd European Skull Base Society Congress, Paris, France, April 22-26, 1995. Edited by J. M. Sterkers, R. Charachon and O. Sterkers
1996 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/New York
214) Normal hearing in acoustic neuroma patients: a critical evaluation. (In coll. con E. Saleh, M. Aristegui, M. Naguib, Y. Cokesser, M. Landolfi) The American Journal of Otology 17, 127-132,1996.
215) Congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear: a different experience. (In coll. con S. Karmarkar, S. Bhatia, A. Khashaba, E. Saleh, A. Russo) The American Journal of Otology 17, 288-292,1996.
216) Grafting techniques for tympanoplasty.
(In coll. con F. Mancini, A. Russo)
Otolaryng. Head and Neck Surgery, 7, 1, 34-37, 1996.
217) Facial nerve neuromas: Diagnosis and management.
(In coll. con Saleh E., Achilli V.; Nagiub M., Taibah A., Russo A., Mattoni A.)
Year Book of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, M. M. Paparella, G. R Holt, 1996.
218) Meningoencephalic herniation into the middle ear: a report of 27 cases. (In coll. con Aristegui M., Falcioni M., Saleh E., Taibah A., Russo A., Landolfi M.) Year Book of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, M. M. Paparella, G. R. Holt, 1996.
219) Facial nerve management and results in petrous bone cholesteatomas surgery. (In coll. con De Donato G., Caylan R., Falcioni M., Landolfi M., Titiz A., Russo A., Taibah A.)Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery,Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazionali CIC 1997, 500-506.
220) Petrous bone cholesteatoma as a sequelae of radical mastoidectomy or tympanoplasty procedures.
(In coll. con Mancini F.; Taibah A., Russo A., De Donato G., Caylan R.) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery,Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazionali CIC 1997,488-496.
221) Management of petrous bone cholesteatoma. (In coll. con Taibah A., Russo A., De Donato G., Falcioni M.) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazionali CIC 1997, 479-487.
222) Congenital cholesteatoma a different experience. (In coIl. con Russo A., Taibah A., De Donato G., Falcioni M.) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazionali CIC 1997, 442-446.
223) Trans-superior semicircular canal approach for supralabyrinthine petrous bone cholesteatoma case reports and anatomical considerations. (In coll. con Kobayashi T., Tanaka F., Shigeno K., Nakao Y., Takahashi Y., Takasaka T., Aslan A., Diop D.)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazionali CIC 1997, 524-537.
224) Meatoplasty technique in canal wall down procedures.
(In coll. con Caylan R, Titiz A., De Donato G., Falcioni M., Russo A., Taibah A., Mancini F.)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazinali CIC 1997, 627-635.
225) Recurrent cholesteatoma in open vs closed technique tympanoplasties and its surgical management
(In coll. con Amendola S., Falcioni M., Caylan R.)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazinali CIC 1997, 654-659.
226) The modified bondy technique in the treatment of epitympanic cholesteatoma. (In coll. con Falcioni M., De Donato G., Landolfi M., Ferrara S., Caylan R, Taibah A., Russo A.)
Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazinali CIC 1997, 676-679.
227) Canal wall down procedures: causes of failures and pitfalls. (In coll. con Taibah A., Russo A., Caylan R., Landolfi M,, Mancini F.) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazinali CIC 1997, 736-742.
228) Management of meningioencephalic herniation complicating middle ear cholesteatoma.
(In coll. con Aristegui M., Taibah A., Russo A., Landolfi M., Falcioni M.) Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Edited by M. Sanna, Ed Internazionali CIC 1997,816-823.
229) Lower cranial nerve schwannoma involving the jugular foramen.
(In coll. con Mazzoni A., Saleh E., Achilli V.)
Ann. Otol. Rhinol. & Laryng.,106, 5, 370-376, 1997.
230) Titration streptomycin therapy in Meniere's disease: long-term results (In coll. con Balyan F., Taibah A., De Donato G., Aslam A., Falcioni M., Russo A.) Otolaryng. Head and Neck Surg. 116,
231) Morphometric evaluation of the infralabyrinthine approach to the internal auditory canal.
(In coll. con Balyan F., Caylan R, Aslan A., Titiz A., Taibah A., Russo A.) ORL 50, 18-22,1997
232) Petroclival meningiomas Access via the modified transcochlear approach.
Skull Base Surgery, 7 (2), 20, 1997.
233) The modified transcochlear approach in the surgical treatment of prepontine tumors.
(In coll. con Mazzoni A., Taibah A., Russo A., Caylan R). 3rd European Congress of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngol. Societies, EUFOS, Ed. Monduzzi, pp. 119-127, 1997.
234) Le vie d'accesso laterali al clivus. (In coll. con Falcioni M., Taibah A., De Donato G., Sanna M.)
Acta Otorhinolaryngol. Ital. Suppl. 57,3-16,1997
235) La tecnica di Bondy modificata nel trattamento del colesteatoma epitimpanico. (In coll. con Falcioni M., De Donato G., Taibah A., Sanna M.)
Acta Otorhinolaryngol: Ital. 17,325-328,1997
236) Myringoplasty in children: Factors influencing surgical outcome, (In coll. con Caylan R., Titiz A., Falcioni M., De Donato G., Taibah A., Sanna M.) Otolaryngol. Head and Neck Surgery 118, 709-713,1998.
237) Titration streptomycin in therapy in Meniere's disease: Long-term results.
(In coll. con Balyan F. R., Taibah A., De Donato G., Aslam A., Falcioni M.,
Sanna M.)
Otolaryngol.Head and Neck Surgery 118, 261-266, 1998.
238) La liquorrea come complicanza della via translabirintica nel trattamento del neurinoma dell'acustico.
(In coll. con Falcioni M., Taibah A., De Donato G., Sanna M.) Acta Otorhinolaryngol. Ital. 18, 63-69,1998
239) The system of the modified transcochlear approach: a lateral avenue to the central skull base.
(In coll. con Mazzoni A., Saleh E., Taibah A., Mancini F.)
Am J. Otol. 19: 88-98,1998.
240) Coesistenza di un neurinoma dell'acustico e di un tumore glomico timpanico.
(in coll. con Falcioni M,Caruso A,) Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 18; 398-401, 1998
241) The cochlear aqueduct: An important landmark in lateral Skull Base Surgery.
(in coll. con Aslan A., Falcioni M., Balyan F.R., De Donato G., Taibah A.K., Russo A.,) The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Inc. 1998.
242) Infratemporal Fossa Approaches to the Lateral Skull Base.
(in coll. con De Donato G., Taibah A.K., Russo A., Falcioni M., & Mancini F.)
Keio J. Med 48 (4): 189-200, 1999.
243) Identificazione del nervo facciale nella via translabirintica: un metodo alternativo.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, De Donato G, Piccirillo E, Taibah A, Russo A, Mancini F, Caruso A, Piccirillo E.)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 19; 1-5, 1999
244) Lateral approaches to the clivus and surrounding areas. (in coll. con De Donato G, Russo A, Taibah A, Falcioni M, Mancini F. ) Otol Jpn 9; 116-134,1999.
245) No cerebrospinal fluid leaks in translabyrinthine vestibular schwannoma removal. A reappraisal of 200 consecutive cases.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Mulder JJS, Taibah A, De Donato G.) Am. J. Otol. 20; 660-666, 1999
246) Subtemporal exposure of the intrapetrous internal carotid artery. An anatomical study with surgical applications.
(in coll. con Naguib M.B.) Presented at the Second Intemational Conference of the ENT Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Suez canal university, Ismailia - 26 April 1999
247) One stage removal of jugular foramen schwannomas with hearing preservation and without facial nerve rerouting.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Mazzoni A, Taibah A, Russo A,
De Donato G, Piccirillo E, Mancini F.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
248) Transpetrous removal of residual vestibular schwannoma.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Taibah A, De Donato G, Russo A, Mancini F, Piccirillo E, Amico Giuseppe.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
249) Translabyrinthine vs retrosigmoid approach for small tumors.
(in coll. con Bacciu A, Bruzzo M, Falcioni M, Chays A, Magnan J.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
250) Technical refinements in translabyrinthine approach for acoustic tumor removal.
(in coll con Aristegui M, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Taibah A, Russo A, Mancini F.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
251) Facial nerve in translabyrinthine approach: an alternative technique.
(in coll. con Russo A, Taibah A, Mancini F, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Piccirillo E.) Third Intemational Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC edizioni internazionali.
252) Is the modified translabyrinthine approach suitable for large and giant acoustic tumors?
(in coll. con Mancini F, Taibah A, Russo A, Falcioni M,
De Donato G, Piccirillo E, Piccioni L.)
Third Intemational Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC intemational editions.
253) Posterior rerouting of the facial nerve in lateral skull base surgery.
(in coll. con Bacciu A, Quaranta N, Falcioni M, Taibah A, Mancini F.)
Third Intemational Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC Intemational editions.
254) Complications in translabyrinthine approach.
(in coll. con De Donato G, Taibah A, Russo A, Mancini F, Falcioni M, Piccirillo E.)
Third Intemational Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC intemational editions.
255) Hospital stay in CPA surgery. (in coll. con Piccioni L, Taibah A, Mancini F, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Piccirillo E.)
Third Intemational Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC intemational editions.
256) Decision making in acoustic neuroma of only hearing ear.
(in coll. con Caruso A, Taibah A, Russo A, Mancini F, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Piccirillo E.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
257) Normal hearing and sudden hearing loss in acoustic neurinoma.
(in coll. con Piccioni L, Taibah A, Russo A, Mancini F, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Amico G.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
258) Intraoperative facial nerve monitoring: personal experience and considerations.
(in coll. con Piccirillo E, Nakao Y, Burdo A, Taibah A, Falcioni M, Mancini F.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
259) Transpetrous orbitozygomatic approach for schwannomas of the V cranial nerve.
(in coll. con Saleh E, Taibah A, Russo A, Mancini F, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Piccirillo E.)
Third International Conference on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other C.P.A. Tumors. Rome, 12 to 17 June 1999, CIC international editions.
260) Il trattamento dei neurinomi dell'acustico residui. (in coll. con Falcioni M, Piccioni L, Taibah A, De Donato G, Russo A, Piccirillo E.)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 20; 151-8; 2000.
261) Intracanalicular meningiomas. (in coll. con Caylan R, Falcioni M, De Donato G, Ferrara S, Russo A, Taibah A.K.)
Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 122: 147-50, 2000.
262) Usefulness of preoperative imaging in chronic ear surgery.
(in coll. con Falcioni M.)
6th Intemational Congress on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgey, Cannes 29 June to 2 July 2000, Label Production, 2001, 479-483.
263) Hearing preservation in vestibular schwannoma surgery: fact or fantasy.
Grading Systems for pre-and post-operative hearing session III Nov. 7, Wed. 15:35. –
The kejo Journal of medicine – Volume 50 supplement 4 – October 2001
264) Fast growing vestibular schwannoma.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Taibah A, De Donato G, Piccirillo E, Russo A.)
Skull Base Surgery 10; 95-99, 2000.
265) Arachnoid cysts of the petrous apex in a patient with vestibular schwannoma.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Caruso A, Taibah A, De Donato G, Piccirillo E, Russo A.)
Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 123, 657-60, 2000.
266) Cholesteatoma (epidermoid cyst) of the cerebellopontine angle: selecting the surgical approach.
(in coll. con Magnan J, Chays A, Girard N, Bruzzo M, Meller R, Fuentes S, Falcioni M.)
6th Intemational Congress on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgey, Cannes 29 June to 2 July 2000, Label Production, 2001, 1021¬1026.
267) Electromyographic evaluation of facial nerve damage in acoustic neuroma surgery.
(in coll. con Nakao Y, Piccirillo E, Falcioni M, Taibah A, Kobayashi T.)
Otol. & Neurotol. 22, 554-557, 2001.
268) Meningiomas intrinsic to the geniculate ganglion.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Piccirillo E, Taibah A.)
Skull Base: an interdisciplinary approach 4, 297-300, 2001.
269) La via translabirintica allargata nei neurinomi dell'acustico di grandi dimensioni.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Russo A, Mancini F, Taibah A, Piccioni L, De Donato G, Caruso A.)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 21, 226-236, 2001.
270) Identification of the facial nerve in the translabyrinthine approach: an alternative technique.
(in coll con Saleh E, Russo A, Falcioni M.) Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 124, 105-6, 2001.
271) Electromyographic evaluation of facial nerve damage in acoustic neuroma surgery.
(in coll. con Nakao Y, Piccirillo E, Falcioni M, Taibah A, Kobayashi T.)
Otol. & Neurotol. 22, 554-557, 2001.
272) Usefulness of preoperative imaging in chronic ear surgery.
(in coll. con Falcioni M.)
6th Intemational Congress on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgey, Cannes 29 June to 2 July 2000, Label Production, 2001, 479-483.
273) Treatment of residual vestibular schwannoma.
(in coll. con Falcioni M., Taibah A.K., De Donato G., Russo A. Piccirillo E.)
Otology and Neurotology 2002.
274) Utilità della radiologia preoperatoria nella chirurgia dell'otite cronica.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Taibah A, De Donato G, Piccirillo E, Caruso A, Russo A)
Acta Otorhinol. Ital. 22, 19-27, 2002.
275) Prediction of facial nerve outcome using electromyographic responses in acoustic neuroma surgery.
(in coll. con Nakao Y, Piccirillo E, Falcioni M, Taibah A, Russo A, Kobayashi T.)
Otol. & Neurotol. 23, 93-95, 2002.
276) Residual vestibular schwannomas treatment.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Taibah A, De Donato G, Russo A,
Piccirillo E.)
Otol. & Neurotol. 23: 980-987; 2002.
277) Neurinoma dell'acustico ipervascolarizzato. (in coll. con Di Trapani G, Falcioni M, Taibah A, Russo A.) ORL up-to-date. 89° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Otorinolaringologia e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale, San Benedetto del Tronto, 22-25 Maggio 2002. Passali. -Bellussi L. edts, 369-371.
278) Anterior and posterior facial nerve rerouting: A comparative study.
(in coll. con Russo A., Piccirillo E., De Donato G., Agarwal D.) Skull Base, volume 13, number 3, 2003.
279) Transapical extension in difficult cerebellopontine angle tumours: preliminary report.
(in coll. con Agarwal M., Yogesh J., Russo A., Taibah A.K.) The Journal of Laryngology & Otology October 2003, Vol 117 pp. 788-792
280) Vìas laterals de abordaje al clivus y a la cisterna prepontina. El sistema de abordajes transcocleares.
(in coll. con Aristegui M.) Vias laterales de abordaje al clivus y a la cisterna prepontina. Capitulo 184.
281) Modified bondy's technique for epitympanic cholesteatoma.
(in coll. con Agarwal M., Khrais T., Di Trapani G.)
Laryngoscope 113:XXX 2003-10-22.
282) Glomus tympanicum tumour: an alternative surgical technique.
(in coll. con Rohit M.S., Caruso A., Russo A.,)
The Journal of Larymgology & Otology June 2003, Vol. 117, pp. 462-466.
283) Facial nerve grafting.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Taibah A, Russo A, Piccirillo E.)
Otol. Neurotol. 24: 486-489; 2003.
284) Inner ear extension of vestibular schwannomas. (in coll. con Falcioni M, Di Trapani G, Taibah A.) Laryngoscope 113: 1605-1608; 2003
285) A retrospective correlation of ABR and magnetic resonance imaging for acoustic neuromas/vestibular schwannomas.
(in coll. con Skinner LJ, Piccirillo E, Agarwal M, Falcioni M.) IVth international conference on vestibular shwannoma and other CPA lesions. Cambridge UK, 13th-17th July 2003. Baguley D, Ramsden R and Moffat D eds. Immediate proceedings LDT, 84-85.
286) Hearing preservation surgery in vestibular schwannomas. (in coll. con Piccirillo E, Russo A, Khrais T, Rohit, Falcioni M.) IVth international conference on vestibular shwannoma and other CPA lesions. Cambridge UK, 13th-17th July 2003. Baguley D, Ramsden R and Moffat D eds. Immediate proceedings LDT,167-8.
287) Facial nerve function after vestibular schwannoma removal.
(in coll. con Falcioni M, Luppino L, Agarwal M, Romano G.)
IVth international conference on vestibular shwannoma and other CPA lesions. Cambridge UK, 13th-17th July 2003. Baguley D, Ramsden R and Moffat D eds. Immediate proceedings LDT, 169-170.
288) Outcome of postoperative immediate fascial paralysis. (in coll. con Falcioni M, Jain Y, Taibah A, Russo A.)
IVth international conference on vestibular shwannoma and other CPA lesions. Cambridge UK, 13th-17th July 2003. Baguley D, Ramsden R and Moffat D eds. Immediate proceedings LDT, 180-181.
289) CSF Teak after vestibular schwannoma surgery. (in coll. con Mancini F, Khrais T, Falcioni M, Di Trapani G.)
IVth international conference on vestibular shwannoma and other CPA lesions. Cambridge UK, 13th-17 th July 2003. Baguley D, Ramsden R and Moffat D eds. Immediate proceedings LDT, 200-1.
290) Facial nerve grafting in the Cerebellopontine Angle
(in coll. Con Yogesh J, Falcioni M, Mancini F, Romano G.)
The Laryngoscope 114: December 2004
291) Enlarged translabyrinthine approach for the management of large and giant acustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas). A report of 175 consecutive cases.
(in coll. con Russo A, Taibah A, Falcioni M, Agarwal M.)
Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol.
292) Management of jugular paragangliomas: the Gruppo Otologico experience.
( in coll. con Yogesh J., De Donato G., Lauda L., Taibah A.)
Otology and Neurotology 25:797-804; 2004
293) Perioperative complications in acoustic neuroma ( vestibular schwannoma) surgery. (in coll. con Taibah A., Russo A., Falcioni M., Agarwal M.) Otology and Neurotology 25.000-000; 2004.
294) Management of the internal carotid artery in tumors of the lateral skull base: preoperative permanent balloon acclusion without reconstruction. ( in coll con Piazza P., Di Trapani G., Agarwal M.) Otology and Neurotology 25: 000-000; 2004.
295) Facial nerve grafting in the cerebellopontine angle. ( in coll con Yogesh J., Falcioni M., Mancini F., Romano G.) The Laryngoscope 114: April 2004
296) Trasapical extension in difficult cerebellopontine angle tumors. ( in coll con Agarwal M., Mancini F., Taibah a.) Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, Volume 113, number 8, August 2004.
297) Hearing preservation surgery in vestibular schwannoma: the hidden truth. (in coll con: Khrais T., Russo A., Piccirillo E., Augurio A.) Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, Volume 113, number 2, February 2004.
298) Canalplasty for severe external auditory meatus exostose (in coll con Russo A., Khrais T., Jain Y., Augurio A.) The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Vol 118, August 2004.
299) Management of acoustic neuroma in the only hearing ear.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 Feb;262(2).
(in coll con Naguib MB, Cokkessr Y)
300) Anterior and Posterior Facial Nerve Rerouting: A Comparative Study.
Skull Base. 2003 Aug;13(3):123-130.
(in coll con Russo A, Piccirillo E, De Donato G, Agarwal M).








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